Sunday, January 3, 2010

How to be annoying

Owning a car can be lots of fun
If you like to have fun (whether you live in Brooklyn or not) follow these very easy steps that we'll be posting for you every week so check our blog often for more useful tips on how to be the most annoying driver in yout neck of the woods..
Tip 1. How to annoy your neighbors and make enemies fast ....make sure to take 2 spots by parking your car in the middle so no car can park ahead or behind you. That will generate more cursing and mentions of your mother from drivers looking for parking than NY Giants did in their last embarrassing 41-9 loss vs. Panthers and even more embarrassing 2009 season. Make sure to set your alarm at the most sensitive mode (the cheaper the car the more sensitive it should be) so if anything even remotely touches your car the alarm is going to go off in the middle of the night waking every dog, every baby, every cursing neighbor around you except your lazy ass cause you probably stayed up till 2 am watching pathetic “how to become a zillionaire overnight” infomercials.
So try this tonight and hope you'll have lots of fun. We are not responsible for any damages this blog will cause to you car from your very angry disturbed in the middle of the night neighbors.

Please check our blog soon for more tips on how to annoy other drivers, the cashier at the supermarket, the family doctor, your wife, your mother in law, people at the movies and others around you.


  1. right on!
    i love those brooklynites, and all others for that matter who take up two parking spots with their Honda Civic.

  2. mr. a wrote this. correct? please tell us more about your mother in law and tips on how to annoy other drivers.
